
For hardgainers and all other bodybuilders
and strength trainees

Are you struggling to build muscle?

Are you a hardgainer?

If you are, don’t be discouraged. Most bodybuilders make little progress simply because the conventional bodybuilding methods they apply suck.

Follow Stuart McRobert’s guidance on natural bodybuilding (who’s Stuart?), learn how to train properly, apply yourself correctly, and you really can develop a terrific physique and transform your fitness. Become your own expert personal trainer.

DONE PROPERLY, BODYBUILDING AND STRENGTH TRAINING WORK WONDERS. The key is to adopt the right approach. And that’s where our comprehensive publications come in.

The guidance for building muscle, losing fat, and improving fitness is the same for men and women.

The benefits from proper bodybuilding training are extensive for both sexes. The visible benefits are the most obvious, but there are many internal benefits that improve health and fitness.

Conventional training methods don’t work well for most bodybuilders. Those methods create hardgainers.

Set aside the myths and traditions that have limited your bodybuilding progress. And be prepared for radical if not revolutionary training concepts.


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