The exercises covered in Chapter 12
Chapter 12 of BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT is almost the same as Part 2 of THE INSIDER’S TELL-ALL HANDBOOK ON WEIGHT-TRAINING TECHNIQUE, but with improvements to several sections. The exercise technique of these exercises is covered in great detail:
1. Back extension
- basic back extension 203
- 45-degree back extension 205
- spinal extension 205
- machine back extension 206
2. Bench press
- barbell bench press 208
- dumbbell bench press 216
- close-grip bench press 220
- incline barbell bench press 224
- incline dumbbell bench press 228
3. Calf raise
- standing two-legged calf raise 232
- standing one-legged calf raise 234
4. Chin-up (and pull-up) 236
5. Crunch
- basic crunch 242
- modified basic crunch 244
- machine crunch 245
- reverse crunch 246
- twisting crunch 248
6. Curl
- seated dumbbell curl 252
- incline dumbbell curl 253
- barbell curl 254
- hammer curl 255
7. Deadlift
- deadlift (basic, or conventional deadlift) 260
- parallel-grip deadlift 270
- partial deadlift 278
- sumo deadlift 282
8. Finger extension 284
9. Hand-gripper work
- torsion-spring gripper 287
- Ivanko super gripper 289
10. Lateral raise
- dumbbell lateral raise 292
- machine lateral raise 293
11. Leg curl 294
12. Leg press 298
13. L-fly 304
14. Neck work
- manual resistance neck work 309
- four-way neck machine 310
15. Parallel bar dip 312
16. Press
- seated barbell press 316
- seated dumbbell press 320
17. Pulldown 324
18. Pullover
- machine pullover 328
- breathing pullover 332
19. Pushdown 334
20. Rotary torso 336
21. Row
- one-arm dumbbell row 338
- cable row 340
- seated machine row 344
- prone low-incline dumbbell row 345
22. Shrug 346
23. Side bend
- dumbbell side bend 350
- pulley side bend 353
24. Squat
- squat (conventional or back squat) 360
- front squat 378
- ball squat 388
- hip-belt squat 392
25. Timed hold 398