Table of contents
Introduction 1
Four Preliminaries 4
PART 1: The Foundation
1. Of first importance 13
2. How to get training immediately 17
3. The truth on age and exercise 71
4. How to optimize your recuperative powers 75
5. How to lose body fat 97
6. Physical restrictions, and their correction or management 105
7. Gym savvy, where to train, and gym conduct 123
PART 2: How to Train
8. The essential terminology of training 137
9. Cardio training 159
10. How to avoid injuries 173
11. Rep speed and control 189
12. How to master exercise technique 193
13. How to handle weights between exercises 403
14. Seven extras for effective workouts 409
15. How progressive resistance can help or hinder progress 417
16. How to optimize your exercise selection from the gang of eight 423
17. How to design your own training programs 441
18. Call to arms! 497
19. Beyond the programs of Chapter 17 501
PART 3: Supplementary Material
20. Forewarned is forearmed 515
21. What scientific studies really mean to you 523
22. Burning issues 527
23. A primer on anatomy 531
24. The lexicon of muscle-building, and training 543
About the author 611
Other publications 613
Index 621