Table of contents
Introduction 10
How to train safely 14
Rep speed and control 28
The four main hand grips 30
A primer on anatomy 32
How to master exercise technique 46
1. Back extension
- basic back extension 54
- 45-degree back extension 57
- spinal extension 57
- machine back extension 58
2. Bench press
- barbell bench press 60
- dumbbell bench press 68
- close-grip bench press 72
- incline barbell bench press 76
- incline dumbbell bench press 80
3. Calf raise
- standing two-legged calf raise 84
- standing one-legged calf raise 86
4. Chin-up (and pull-up) 88
5. Crunch
- basic crunch 94
- modified basic crunch 96
- machine crunch 97
- reverse crunch 98
- twisting crunch 100
6. Curl
- seated dumbbell curl 104
- incline dumbbell curl 105
- barbell curl 106
- hammer curl 107
7. Deadlift
- deadlift (basic, or conventional deadlift) 112
- parallel-grip deadlift 122
- partial deadlift 130
- sumo deadlift 134
8. Finger extension 136
9. Hand-gripper work
- torsion-spring gripper 139
- Ivanko super gripper 141
10. Lateral raise
- dumbbell lateral raise 144
- machine lateral raise 145
11. Leg curl 146
12. Leg press 150
13. L-fly 156
14. Neck work
- manual resistance neck work 161
- four-way neck machine 162
15. Parallel bar dip 164
16. Press
- seated barbell press 168
- seated dumbbell press 172
17. Pulldown 176
18. Pullover
- machine pullover 180
- breathing pullover 184
19. Pushdown 186
20. Rotary torso 188
21. Row
- one-arm dumbbell row 190
- cable row 192
- seated machine row 196
- prone low-incline dumbbell row 197
22. Shrug 198
23. Side bend
- dumbbell side bend 203
- pulley side bend 205
24. Squat
- squat (conventional or back squat) 212
- front squat 230
- ball squat 240
- hip-belt squat 244
25. Timed hold 250
Supplementary exercises
26. Grip machine training 254
27. Lever bar work 256
28. Overhead lockout 258
29. Pinch-grip lifting 262
30. Rader chest pull 266
31. Wrist roller training 268
How to handle weights between exercises 274
How to compose exercise technique checklists 280
Video recordings: the acid test of correct exercise technique 282
How to become flexible 288
About the author 308