Our books

BRAWN is the classic guide that started a bodybuilding revolution. It’s Stuart’s first title, and focuses on genetic realities, appropriate role models, and most of the ins and outs of successful training. It’s especially strong in the philosophical underpinning behind rational training. It also details how the genetically blessed are gifted, and shows why conventional training methods . . .

BEYOND BRAWN is one of the all-time finest bodybuilding guides, now in its third edition, which has a lower retail price than the second edition. It’s the same as the second edition except for hundreds of changes in the details of the content, together with hundreds of minor changes in style. As a result, the third edition . . .

Inside the Mind of an Iron Icon
This book features the first ever comprehensive interview of Stuart, by Chuck Miller, a student of McRobert’s who has won national powerlifting championships.

The Muscle & Might Training Tracker
The week-by-week training tracker for charting bodybuilding success. Large-format —8 x 10 inches. Successful bodybuilding is the product of a united front of these five related factors: Correct exercise technique. Smart program design and meticulous record keeping. Hard work and dedication. Sufficient nourishment. Plenty of rest and sleep. Mess up on just one of these components . . .

Build Muscle Lose Fat Look Great
Now in a second edition. The most important improvement is the brand new Chapter 17—”How to design your own training programs.” This chapter reflects Stuart’s six years of additional experience and research. In addition, Chapter 19 has been revised, as have some of the most important sections of exercise technique in Chapter 12. . . .

New BRAWN Series, Book 1
Are you having a difficult time building muscle? If so, the legendary bodybuilding workout routine taught in the New BRAWN Series Book 1 is tailor-made for you. If you’re new to Stuart’s guides, this is the perfect one to start with. From just this one easy-to-read but thorough guide you’ll get everything you need . . .

A Man Devoured by His Body, Food & Work
IMAGINE . . . having a “dream” life of family, material affluence, meaningful work, and autonomy, but being miserable. The person with that “dream” life was me, Stuart.
For over 40 years I battled with attitudes, beliefs and behaviors that are commonly labeled as “symptoms” of three so-called psychological disorders—muscle dysmorphia, orthorexia, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorder (OCPD). My struggles started in earnest when I was 15 years old, in 1973. The consequences were grave.

The Insiders Tell-All Handbook on Weight-Training Technique
The third edition of this exercise-technique book incorporates Chapter 12 of the first edition of BUILD MUSCLE LOSE FAT LOOK GREAT, along with additional exercises and other information. To benefit from bodybuilding workouts, you must avoid injuries, and train consistently and effectively. But if you don’t use correct exercise technique . . .