

Issue #25




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Editorial—Stuart McRobert
The “hard gainer” tag

Asking Dr. Ken—Dr. Ken E. Leistner
Squat substitutes including Nautilus, Hammer and Kell leg press machines, and the Tru-Squat; ultra-abbreviated training routines

Coaching a Mindset—Dick Conner, with Scott Hueschman
The role of a good coach

How to Design a Productive Training Program, Part 3—Brooks D. Kubik

Four Weeks to an Iron Claw—Dr. G. Kerry Knowlton
Grip training, preventing elbow pain

Just Do One!—John McKean
Single-rep training, step-by-step training program

Little Gems—Stuart McRobert
The value and use of little discs

The Trap Bar—Paul Kelso
Trap Bar advantages, key exercises, training programs

Body Structure and the Powerlifts—Doug Daniels
Influence of body structure on the three powerlifts, technique considerations

The Real Thing, Chapter XIV—Mike Thompson
Fictionalized training instruction

Outrage!—Stuart McRobert
Drugs and deceit in the training world

Strength Night—Fred R. Howell
1992 dinner of The Association of Oldetime Barbell and Strongmen

Chiropractic Viewpoint—Dr. R. Keith Hartman
Leg press, squat, deadlift, rib cage enlargement

Forum—edited by Stuart McRobert
Special plate pairing that yields half-pound increments, food supplement problems, Charles Meng article part 2, seeing the light