

Issue #40




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Editorial—Stuart McRobert
Not just bigger and stronger

Form and Technique—Brooks D. Kubik
The deadlift

The White Moment—John R. Christy
Focused rage and how to train aggressively and effectively

Asking Dr. Ken—Dr. Ken E. Leistner
Farmer’s walk, training for rugby, training variety, iso-lateral training, squat substitutes

From Experience—Dick Conner
Neck work, squat alternative (handle squat)

The Quarter-Ton Hacklift: Strong at Last—Eric Bryan
Barbell hacklift, chins

Training the Old-Fashioned Way—Bob Whelan
No-bull, high-intensity training

How Not to Wreck Your Lower Back—Stuart McRobert

From the Grassroots—John Leschinski
Setting up your own home-gym

Factors of Success—Wesley Silveira
Written records, nutrition, training, genetics

The ODDS for a Super Physique—John McKean
Odd lifts including incline bench press, bent-arm pullover, reverse curl, and weighted floor push-up

High-Intensity Workouts at Home—Drew Israel
Training at Drew’s home-gym

Chiropractic—Dr. R. Keith Hartman
How to find chiropractic help, bursitis and tendinitis, sternum noises, knee and neck care; plus the notice of the death of Dr. Hartman

Forum—edited by Stuart McRobert
Kettlebell handles, split routine for hard gainers, weight-loss, nutrition tips, 12 weeks of gains