

Issue #87




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Editorial—Stuart McRobert
Recovery update

Is there Value in Training Light?—Bradley J. Steiner

Bob Whelan’s Q&A—Bob Whelan
Kettlebells, Weaver stick, Swiss ball, protein, adjustable vs fixed-resistance grippers, slow training, strength training and martial arts

A Case Study: Lessons to be learned, Part 1—John R. Christy
Father and son case study: hard work, genetics, nutrition, program design, exercise technique adjustments

Hard but Brief Cardio Work—Stuart McRobert

The Bench Press—Dick Connor

Miscellany of Topics #8—Stuart McRobert
Appetite, thigh development, manual labor, nutrition, short biceps, shoulder development, alternatives to squat racks, problem with heel elevation, stiff-legged deadlift

One Rep, Perfect, 20 times!—Ryan Rasmussen
Squatting 300 x 20

From the Grassroots—Julian Saul
An alternative to the squat

Do Sweat the Small Stuff (if you need to)—Bob Gorinski, DPT
When exercise for the tibialis is needed to balance calf work

Working with Short-Term Goals—Faheem Chauhan

Blueprint for Muscle-Building Success, Part 4—Casey Butt
Seventh and eighth fundamentals

The Steel Tip—Dr. Ken E. Leistner
Video self portrait (by Kathy Leistner), in-season training

Standing Tall—Gregory Steiner, DC
Posture, and how to correct posture problems

Forum—edited by Stuart McRobert
Update from Mark Marowitz, author of “Magnum Opus” in issue #34; nutrition, strongman’s suicide, 20-rep chin-ups, upper-body stretch, calf raise, medical check-ups