

Issue #89




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Editorial—Stuart McRobert
Increasing benefits

Safe and Heavy Hip-Belt Squats—Nathan Harvey

Don’t Train Too Hard—Ken A. Smith
Includes a sidebar on strength phenomenon Eddy Pengally, who Ken knew well

In Praise of the . . . Back Extension Machine—Stuart McRobert

New-Year Checklist—John R. Christy
Workout program, nutrition, aerobic work, stretching, motivation and discipline

The Captains of Crush®—Bill Piche
Getting started with hard-gripper training

Bob Whelan’s Q&A—Bob Whelan
Bob’s single biggest training mistake, some of the biggest influences on Bob’s training philosophy, Bob’s favorite training equipment, the trait that indicates a high probability of training success

From the Grassroots—Richard Geller
Lessons from a beginner

Getting it Right in 2004—Cheryl Zovich
How to use goal setting to improve your training results

Blueprint for Muscle-Building Success, Part 6—Casey Butt
Author’s final two fundamentals: twelfth and thirteenth

The Steel Tip—Dr. Ken E. Leistner
Serious criticism of one coach’s comments, lower-body training, comparison shopping (by Kathy Leistner)

How Not to Get Hurt—Gregory Steiner, DC

Forum—edited by Stuart McRobert
Dumbbell progression, be kinder to yourself, bundle of training tips